Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kenko Pro1d filter & Pro1d CPL filter

p/s: the Pro1d and Pro1d CPL share the same packaging

Pro1d filter = slim glass edition filter of Kenko
the main purpose of Pro1d is to reduce the black corner, lens flare, reflection and etc...
and the light can pass trough the filter is as good as multicoated filter

Kenko Pro1d filter available in UV & CPL

Kenko Pro1d filter
49mm= 90
52mm= 90
55mm= 95
58mm= 95
62mm= 105
67mm= 110
72mm= 125
77mm= 130
82mm= 150

Kenko Pro1d CPL filter 
49mm= n/a
52mm= 180
55mm= 190
58mm= 190
62mm= 200
67mm= 240
72mm= 260
77mm= 280
82mm= 310

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